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Welcome! Welcome to The Scripture Scout's SUPERCHARGED SUNDAY SCHOOL. I’m so excited for you become a part of this cool community. And as a special thank you for checking out our resources, I'd like to send you a special free gift:
Your spiritual gift of teaching allows kids to transform information about His Word into life changing knowledge. Teachers do not have to stand in front of a class to teach. A gifted teacher like you can communicate in informal, one-on-one settings. You probably have the uncanny knack of helping people learn effortlessly. People internalize and retain the knowledge and learning they receive from gifted teachers. And a good teacher like you TRANSFORMS more than they INFORM.
I hope you enjoy all of the goodies your are about to get and that it helps to not only know what we're all about here, but possibly even inspiring some ideas for you or your church.
Our commitment here as teachers is to approach all of spiritual leadership by taking thorough investigations of the Christian Bible ... assuming nothing except that none of us knows everything and relying on Jesus to show us the ropes. ;-)
I'm truly glad you're here.
In His joy and grace,
Anne-Geri' ("Angie") Fann
P.S. You'll want to head over in your inbox soon because the freebie you wanted is probably hanging out there waiting patiently for you! Please feel free to email back or join the conversations here anytime.
If you have time (it's not long), check out this popular post about easily whipping together your own Sunday School curriculum! It is really awesome ... kinda like YOU! ;-)
Resource and blog pages by
The Scripture Scout Christian Resources: