How to Create Simple
Sunday School Lessons
If you're looking for some simple Sunday school lessons, this blog post is for you. I'm going to share a few ideas that will help make your life easier and more organized. As a parent and teacher myself, I know how important it is to teach children the Bible and God's word in an engaging way. This article contains easy-to-follow instructions on how to create memorable Bible stories and help them keep God's word in their hearts!
Most Sunday school teachers have to create their own lesson plans. Creating something out of nothing can be time-consuming, especially if you don't know what to do. These four pieces of advice are for those who need help with their lesson plan and are looking for simple ideas that will work well in almost any class setting.
FIRST, "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!" The gift of teaching is the greatest joy and most challenging task for those selected to teach. The burden of organizing materials can be weighty, but it's worth it to provide meaningful lessons to our students.
I find it hard to sift through all the content on the internet, however, don't you? Be careful with that. As you search for tools that are both time-saving and cost-effective, make sure they're also christ-centred. However, a good investment in an appropriate tool has been invaluable for creating lesson plans with Christ at their core!
NEXT, STAY ORGANIZED. If you are a Sunday school teacher, it's essential to make sure that your materials for the upcoming week are organized. Find all of the items needed and put them in order so students can find what they need quickly.
Focus on using only a few resources each week to get ideas so that you can find what's relevant and use it. Get folders, stickers, highlighters- make your own organization fun! Set up folders for the entire year on your computer per weekly lesson, even if they are empty. Make a goal to fill each one at least one week before your next class. To give you an idea, here is my system for Sleuth: SftT.Q1L3 (Sleuth for the Truth, Quarter 1, Lesson 3)
Not everyone has this luxury, but it's even better if you know earlier than "tomorrow" if you are teaching and can spend a few weeks organizing these files. No one enjoys being in a class where the teacher is unprepared. Disorganization can be true for Sunday school, and it's important to have an organized plan before teaching, so you know what will happen each lesson.
ALWAYS HAVE A REVIEW CLASS. Review weeks are overlooked in a lot of curriculum sets. Each week we read different stories but never get to stop and reflect on what has been taught or look back at the story that was just told in the last class.
Here's an example. A teacher shares a lesson on Sunday by telling a story, watching an excellent video, or holding a brief dramatization. The Sunday story is reviewed during midweek class through games, activity centres, and a volunteer retelling from a student.
Here is a review night example (2 and 3 can either be done on the same night or used as different activities on different weeks):
- After a fun welcome or other housekeeping needs, ask a student volunteer to review what was taught in the last class.
- Have two or three review centres ready and rotate the class as groups or individuals in each one.
- Challenge your kids' brains as you review what was learned in Sunday school by participating in some challenging Bible-themed board games.
Sunday school games or activities combine reviewing and reinforcing the material, suitable for everyone, with playing a game. Every kid loves it because they get to have fun while learning about God's word!
EMBRACE YOUR CALLING. Teaching Sunday school is not an easy job. It requires patience and dedication to ensure that all the children listen, participate in class discussions, or learn new scriptures every week. But if you're passionate about teaching this life-changing news, then it'll be worth your time - no matter how much work goes into it!
It has been our "theme verse" here at The Scripture Scout's Supercharged Sunday School for a reason:
Point your kids in the right direction—
when they’re old they won’t be lost.
Proverbs 22:6, MSG
Feel the joy of teaching.
It is essential to take the time and effort in creating a good lesson plan. It does not need to be overwhelming or complicated, but it must be thoughtful, simple yet engaging for your students!
When you are teaching an activity that requires more than one day of instruction, make sure you include instructions on how to transition from today's session with next week's activities. This kind of preparation will help get everyone involved and excited about what they will learn next week!
You want your students to feel engaged and enjoy themselves while learning about Christ's teachings. In that case, the lesson plans must be simple, fun, or memorable for a more positive experience with learning the greatest truth they'll ever know.
I am convinced through personal experience that when you work together with a team of fellow volunteers alongside God's divine intervention, there is nothing but opportunities! Really - no Sunday School is immune from obstacles, but nothing seems impossible when all volunteers work together! And ultimately, you have been given the opportunity to set an example for others of how to walk with Jesus.
Teaching Sunday school is more than just a warm body in the classroom. You are teaching children about Jesus and shaping them into Christ-followers; you are impacting their lives now and forever with your love of God, His Word, and His people.
Speaking of making a profound lesson really simple ...
You will be able to see the light and hope that radiates from their faces as they understand what it means to follow Him. And you're kind of getting a front-row seat here. Enjoy it!

Banner photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash